
Babies and Allergenic Foods

Concerned about allergies? Read the latest guidelines here: Allergenic Foods - Practical Guidelines

March 11, 2013: New recommendations from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) say that babies can safely tolerate highly allergenic foods such as cow’s milk, eggs, peanuts and tree nuts, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish when introduced into their diets after they are aged 4 months and after foods such as cereals, fruits, and vegetables have been given.

Allergy Drops

Every spring headlines warn about the worst allergy season ever. Tree pollen allergies begin in April as soon as we put away our winter coats and enjoy the first few days of warm sunshine. Grass pollen allergies begin in the late spring. One secret to getting through a bad allergy season is to use the correct allergy medicines before the season even begins and allergy inflammation gets too advanced.

People who suffer with allergy symptoms every year may want to consider sublingual immunotherapy also called allergy drops. This is a proven, safe way to build your immunity and end suffering from allergy symptoms permanently. In order to discuss allergy testing and treatment, please call our office to speak to a doctor or request an appointment.

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