
What is fever?
Fever is considered a rectal temperature greater than 100.4 Fahrenheit and is most accurately measured using a plastic digital rectal thermometer. Temporal scanners also provide accurate measurements. Oral, axillary (under the arm) and ear thermometer measurements are less accurate alternatives.

What does fever mean?
Viruses that are not dangerous cause most fevers in children. Viral infections usually resolve in a few days and are not affected by antibiotics. Some fevers are caused by bacterial infections such as ear infections or strep throats. These infections usually require antibiotics. Rarely, fever is caused by dangerous bacterial infections.

Why treat a fever?
The most important reason to treat a fever is to make your child comfortable and minimize crankiness. If your child has a low-grade fever, isn’t cranky or is very difficult to medicate, treating the fever is not necessary.

When does fever become a concern?

  • Birth to 4-weeks old rectal temperature greater than 100.4 Fahrenheit
  • 1 to 2 months old temperature greater than 101 Fahrenheit
  • 2 months to 2 yrs old temperature greater than 103 Fahrenheit

If fever lasts more than 4-5 days or goes above 103 Fahrenheit for more than 2 days, call our office and ask for an appointment.

How can fever be controlled?
Use either Acetaminophen (Tylenol) or Ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil). Check the dosage chart on the back of this page. Tylenol may be given as frequently as every 4 hours and Advil every 6 hours. For high temperatures, you may use both medications if that is necessary to provide comfort and fever control. Give one at a time. If an hour after giving one fever medication, the temperature is still high or if the temperature goes down but recurs before the next dose of that medicine can be given, you may use the other medicine. Don’t give either medicine before it is due and don’t give more than the recommended dose.

What about seizures?
Fever is extremely common and seizures are extremely rare. Seizures caused by fever are frightening but not dangerous. Febrile seizures usually occur early in the illnesses, just as the fever is developing. Once your child has a high fever, the likelihood of a seizure occurring is very small. If a febrile seizure should occur, try to stay calm. Stay near your child and don’t move him unless he is in a dangerous place. Loosen any tight clothing and turn his head and shoulders gently to one side. If your child’s breathing is labored or very noisy, pull the chin and jaw forward to open the airway. Call 911 or our office for additional advice.

What else can I do?
Keep your child lightly dressed and offer plenty of fluids. Cool fluids may also help lower the fever. While you are waiting for Tylenol or Motrin to work, you may sponge bathe your child’s face and arms with lukewarm water. Avoid cold water and never use alcohol or place your sick child in a bathtub to treat a fever. Remember, the reason to treat a fever is for your child’s comfort only. Don’t compromise your child’s safety.

Acetaminophen (Tylenol, Tempra, Feverall)

Doses can be given up to every 4 hours. Max 5 doses per day

  • Weight - 6-11 lbs
  • Dose - 40 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 1.25 mL
  • Weight - 12-17 lbs
  • Dose - 80 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 2.5 mL
  • Weight - 18-22 lbs
  • Dose - 120 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 3.75 mL
  • Weight - 23-33 lbs
  • Dose - 160 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 5 mL
  • Children’s Chewable Tablets (80mg tablets) - 2
  • Junior Strength Tablets (160 mg tablets) - 1
  • Weight - 34-44 lbs
  • Dose - 240 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 7.5 mL
  • Children’s Chewable Tablets (80mg tablets) - 3
  • Junior Strength Tablets (160 mg tablets) - 1 ½
  • Weight - 45-55 lbs
  • Dose - 320 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 10 mL
  • Children’s Chewable Tablets (80mg tablets) - 4
  • Junior Strength Tablets (160 mg tablets) - 2
  • Weight - 56-66 lbs
  • Dose - 400 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 12.5 mL
  • Children’s Chewable Tablets (80mg tablets) - 5
  • Junior Strength Tablets (160 mg tablets) - 2 ½
  • Weight - 67-77 lbs
  • Dose - 480 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 15 mL
  • Children’s Chewable Tablets (80mg tablets) - 6
  • Junior Strength Tablets (160 mg tablets) - 3
  • Weight - 78-88 lbs
  • Dose - 560 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 17.5 mL
  • Children’s Chewable Tablets (80mg tablets) - 7
  • Junior Strength Tablets (160 mg tablets) - 3 ½
  • Weight - More than 89 lbs
  • Dose - 640 mg
  • Infant Drops and Children's Suspension (160mg / 5ml) - 20 mL
  • Children’s Chewable Tablets (80mg tablets) - 8
  • Junior Strength Tablets (160 mg tablets) - 4

Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil, Pediacare fever drops)

Doses can be given up to every 6 hours

  • Weight - 12-17 lbs
  • Dose - 50mg
  • Infant Drops (50mg / 1.25 mL) - 1.25 mL
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 2.5 mL
  • Weight - 18-22 lbs
  • Dose - 75mg
  • Infant Drops (50mg / 1.25 mL) - 1.875 mL
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 3.75 mL
  • Weight - 23-33 lbs
  • Dose - 100mg
  • Infant Drops (50mg / 1.25 mL) - 2.5 mL
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 5 mL
  • Children's Chewable Tablets (50 mg tablets) - 2 tablets
  • Weight - 34-44 lbs
  • Dose - 150mg
  • Infant Drops (50mg / 1.25 mL) - 3.75 mL
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 7.5 mL
  • Children's Chewable Tablets (50 mg tablets) - 3 tablets
  • Weight - 45-55 lbs
  • Dose - 200mg
  • Infant Drops (50mg / 1.25 mL) - 5 mL
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 10 mL
  • Children's Chewable Tablets (50 mg tablets) - 4 tablets
  • Junior Strength Tablets - 2 tablets/caplets
  • Weight - 56-66 lbs
  • Dose - 250mg
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 12.5 mL
  • Children's Chewable Tablets (50 mg tablets) - 5 tablets
  • Junior Strength Tablets - 2 ½ tablets/caplets
  • Weight - 67-77 lbs
  • Dose - 300mg
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 15 ml
  • Children's Chewable Tablets (50 mg tablets) - 6 tablets
  • Junior Strength Tablets - 3 tablets/caplets
  • Weight - 78-88 lbs
  • Dose - 350mg
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 17.5 mL
  • Children's Chewable Tablets (50 mg tablets) - 7 tablets
  • Junior Strength Tablets - 3 ½ tablets/caplets
  • Weight - More than 89 lbs
  • Dose - 400mg
  • Children's Suspension (100mg / 5 mL) - 20 mL
  • Children's Chewable Tablets (50 mg tablets) - 8 tablets
  • Junior Strength Tablets - 4 tablets/caplets

1 teaspoon = 5 mL

Please note:

For the Infant Drop Forms, use only the dropper that came with the package.

Never use Aspirin for children.

Use caution when giving cough and cold medications that contain Acetaminophen (Tylenol) because they can cause an overdose if given along with Tylenol. Always read the label.


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